Vedic Astrology - Jotish or the science of the light of God, makes dozens and sometimes hundreds of zodiac analyzes to find a satisfactory answer for your future. These are questions and answers about them, such as questions about love, partner or married life, your education - your career or job, your health, years when you progress easily or with difficulty. It may seem strange, but these are hundreds of astro maps that are quickly reviewed and from all of them, only one is selected that is closest to your hour of birth, which is re-checked and analyzed. This approach to work from my personal experience is the basis in the preparation for making a natal chart. Without this approach, you do not get the proper quality, because that work is for someone else born at another time. Such a complex astrological analysis directly depends on the desired quality, sometimes it is limited in time to one hour, and sometimes more hours, even days. I call it "astrological distillation" and it directly depends on your Name and Surname, time and place of birth, ie day, month, year, exact hour (up to a few minutes) and your place of birth - geographical location. These are the basic data needed for:
Natal chart
Services of the company "AS VEDIC" whose manager is Simeon Atanasoski.
You need to send a short message to phone:+38978310992 Viber number or call from 12:00 to 19:00 on the direct telephone link - Order a natal chart by mobile
Vedic natal chart that is made personally:
Basic natal chart analysis info
Advanced natal chart analysis info
Complete analysis natal chart info
Vastu Analysis of your home
Asked a question
The Vedic (Indian Astrology-Jataka) astrological prediction system I use is of the highest quality and all the above offers meet a strict criterion of pre-checking your time of birth, which is essential to get a quality astrological map. After your first call, which is "free", this check or quick rectification of your birth is performed to get a better quality natal chart! Then it is suggested which type of natal is suitable for you and what quality you can expect after your order for a certain price!
It should be noted that your free will is in the first place - primary, and the advice you receive for the future is to improve your life and easier to overcome the unfavorable, ie to improve and use the favorable periods. But my motto "Only if the future is known, it can change" is in the direction you can expect. More satisfied customers in Macedonia and the world, testified about the quality obtained!